Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Oooops, my Pinterest site can be searched,i in Pinterest, under Gloria Borrero, or, GB59able.
Thanks for looking it up.

Enjoying quilting, making jewelry, and just LIFE itself.

It has been a fun and busy few months.  I am actually multi-tasking. 😅
I found a new love in making jewelry, Kumihimo.
Have you tried your hand at it? You will get hooked, just as I did.   I have made so many ropes, both with and without beads. The fun part is that Angel has learned to make Poly Clay beads, and Cabachons, that I will use for my jewelry making.
Yep, my hubby, Angel, making a large request of beads for me.

The Teal  necklace, I made using only his Poly Clay beads and Pendant.  
The Kumihimo rope with disk beads, was made with a beautiful yarn, along with Angel's handmade beads.

The following one has drop beads in the center.  The bracelet is finished, just not in the picture.

I'll wait for the next post, to show the one with Pip beads, and a few others I have made. 

Somewhere in between having fun making jewelry, I made a gorgeous quilt for my daughter. She love Little Red Riding Hood, and I got the most precious fabrics to make it.  All I need is to FMQ the border, and add binding.  
Until next time, love life, love those that are with you, as if they might not be around for another day.
In the meantime, please visit my Pinterest site, Gloria Borrero, or GB58able,  and look at the boards 'Brag Jewelry'  and 'My Own Jewelry Creations.'   Enjoy

A stressful year.

My goodness, I can't believe I haven't posted anything in a year, but then, as I look back, my husband has had lots of health issues and I have been taking care of him.  In the beginning of the year, he could hardly walk or get up from the sofa. His knees were 'bone on bone' and he has a deteriorating  spinal column. (all of his discs are either bulging or just wasting away. He has actually lost 3 1/2 inches in height in the past 5 years)

He agreed to one  knee replacement, and we are so happy he did! He was walking within 2 1/2 weeks, has hardly a visible scar, and his other knee feels better. Yay!

I'll keep it short, the night he walked, I video taped him so mom could see him. (she worries so much for him.)  That night, he developed a fever of 102 and had horrible pains in his entire abdomen. A rush to the ER at 10 pm, and we find out he has Sepsis! What???  Yep.  It had nothing to do with the knee surgery but everything to do with the entire right side of his Colon not functioning.  2 main arteries, connected to that side of the Colon, were severely clogged and so the Colon had not been getting Blood nor Oxygen, so it basically shriveled up.  After a 6 day stay at the hospital, doctors, our daughter and son-in-law's support, our congregation, friends, family, and most of all God Almighty, helped him through this. Had he stayed home through that first night, I would, more than likely, not have him with me today. He had bacteria in his blood and muscles.

Not over yet guys, the inflammation had to go down, before he could have a Colectomy.  While waiting, he could not travel, except close to home.  In the meantime, his very best brother-in-law passed away from a very rare type of cancer.  We could not travel to see him before he died, nor to support his sister when he died.  This was the very hardest thing.

Oct 31st he has his Colectomy and we had so many our of brothers and sisters from our congregation coming to support us every single day. All of the brothers said wonderful prayers, for both of us, which was such a help.   Well, he made it through another grave incident, but we prayed for Jehovah to give us strength to handle whatever came our way, and He did.  Psalm 55:22 tells us to throw our burden upon Jehovah, and He himself would sustain us.  We did just that, and did not take back what we asked Him to handle. (sometimes, we say we throw our cares on Him, but continue to hang onto them, instead of trusting in Him to help us cope with the  issue..  We have learned that by leaving things with Him,  He gives us total peace of mind. We are putting all of our faith in Him)

This brings us to the end of 2014. The beginning of 2015, is another story.😢